General questions
Please complete the related claim form, and send it to us with the original medical receipt(s) and letter of referral (if applicable) within 90 days of the medical service. (Address: Corporate Solutions Department, 12/F, AIA Financial Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon)
After receiving all the necessary documents, it generally takes us 7 working days to process a claim. You can also check the status of your claims on our Employee Benefits Website.
Please note your request for returning your original receipt in the blank area of the claim form when making the claim.
Please complete the Declaration for Loss of Original Receipt and send to us together with the certified true copy of the receipt from the related medical service provider, and the claim form.
Outpatient claims
A referral letter must be issued by a registered doctor of western medicine and is valid for 180 days. It means the patient has to receive the medical service no later than 180 days after the referral letter is issued.
Yes, you need to submit a letter of referral issued by a registered doctor for all specialist services.
Hospitalisaton claims
Adjustment factor is a percentage applied to the calculation of the benefit amount.
- Under the medical benefit (e.g. StepUp Medical Protection Plan, Journey Protect Medical Plan): If the Insured is confined in a type of room in a hospital which is at a higher level than the room type corresponding to the plan level chosen, the benefit amount will be paid according to the benefits schedule of the plan, and the adjustment factor stated below will also apply:
Room Type EntitlementReceived Treatment inAdjustment FactorWardSemi-Private50%WardStandard Private25%WardVIP / Deluxe / Suite0%Semi-PrivateStandard Private50%Semi-PrivateVIP / Deluxe / Suite0%Standard PrivateVIP / Deluxe / Suite50% - Under the Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) Benefit:
If the insured's average daily room and board charges incurred during hospitalisation are higher than the daily room and board limit set forth in the benefits schedule of the plan, the adjustment factor will apply and calculate as follows:
Adjustment factor = Daily room and board limit set forth in benefits schedule / Average daily room and board charges incurred during hospitalisation
The adjustment factor applied to the calculation of SMM Benefit (if applicable) will be as follows:
SMM Benefit = [eligible expenses x adjustment factor – deductible amount per disability] x coinsurance
Overseas treatments
Yes, please complete the related outpatient or hospitalisation claim form, and send it to us with the original medical receipt(s) within 90 days of the medical service. (Address: Corporate Solutions Department, 12/F, AIA Financial Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon)
For overseas emergency, please call our AIA International Assistance Service (AIAS) on (852) 2200 6399 for 24-hour worldwide support.