About eMPF

We will keep you updated with the latest news about eMPF Platform and support you towards a smooth transition.

The eMPF Platform

The eMPF Platform Functions

Assisting You with a Smooth Transition to eMPF

Points to note:
  • AIA is tentatively scheduled to onboard to the eMPF Platform in Q2/Q3 2025. Prior to onboarding, we will send a communication pack to all participating employers and scheme members. This pack will include important information such as the date of AIA's onboarding to the Platform, the deadline for AIA to receive MPF administration instructions, and the eMPF Registration Guide. There is no need to register for eMPF at this stage.
  • Continue to submit your MPF administration instructions to AIA for processing in accordance with their respective submission deadlines until AIA is onboarded to the Platform.
  • For employers, please understand the progress of payroll integration with the eMPF Platform with your payroll software vendor(s).

Enquiries and Support of eMPF


Hotline: 183 2622
Service Centres:
(Hong Kong Island) Unit 601B, 6/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, No. 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(Kowloon) Suites 1205-6, 12/F, Chinachem Golden Plaza, No. 77 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
(New Territories) Suite 1802A, 18/F, Tower 2, Nina Tower, No. 8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
For more information about eMPF, please visit the eMPF website.