The Power of the Compounding Effect
Please read and understand the below terms and conditions before starting the above mini-games. Your continued access to the mini-games shall constitute your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.

The graph shows you the power of compounding effect and the resulting investment gains.

i. Enter your target budget. (default USD20,000)

ii. Decide how you would make the investment.

iii. Adjust the time range by sliding the shaded region above.

iv. The below list will show you the performance of different portfolio.

Your Investment

Total Budget (USD)

Date Range: 2005 to 2010

How to Make the Investment

Cumulative Earnings
Total Rate of Return
Annualized Rate of Return
All Equity
All Bond
Mixed Portfolio (50% Equity, 50% Bond)

All Equity

Cumulative Earnings


Total Rate of Return


Annualized Rate of Return


All Bond

Cumulative Earnings


Total Rate of Return


Annualized Rate of Return


Mixed Portfolio (50% Equity, 50% Bond)

Cumulative Earnings


Total Rate of Return


Annualized Rate of Return


The mini-games were designed and developed by AIA from data or information gathered from internal or external sources. The mini-games are for information and reference purpose only, and should not be considered as a recommendation, an offer or solicitation for any of the insurance products mentioned herein.
While we have endeavoured to ensure the content of the mini-game is accurate, comprehensive and timeliness at the time of preparation and/or updating of the mini-game, however, we do not guarantee nor warrant the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the data source. Thus, we are not liable for any claim and/or loss arising from the data source.
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Investments involve risks. The past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance and the price of shares or units and the income from them may go up as well as down; and sometime the investment may even become valueless in adverse situation.