AIA MPF - Prime Value Choice
Fund Category | Constituent Fund | Risk Class1 | Investment Manager2 | Denomination | Unit Price | Valutation Date (dd-mm-yyyy) |
Fact Sheet |
* The DIS is a ready-made investment arrangement mainly designed for those scheme members who are not interested or do not wish to make an investment choice, and is also available as an investment choice itself for members who find it suitable for their own circumstances. The DIS will manage investment risk exposure by automatically reducing the exposure to higher risk assets as you get older, through investing in the above two DIS funds, according to a pre-set allocation percentages at different ages. For details, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure. |
# The automatic de-risking feature of the DIS does not apply to this fund if member chooses this fund as standalone investment rather than part of the DIS. |
1. | The risk class stated above is prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority according to the Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds. Such risk class is determined by AIA International Limited based on the latest fund risk indicator of the relevant MPF Funds and will be updated semi-annually. The risk class stated above has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission and is for reference only. |
2. | AIMHK = AIA Investment Management HK Limited |
3. | The Equity Funds - Index-Tracking Collective Investment Scheme Series ("Equity Fund – ITCIS") in the Fund Category are portfolio management funds investing in more than one approved ITCISs. These Constituent Funds are not index-tracking funds. |
Investment involves risks, you may suffer significant loss of investments. Not constituent funds available under the Scheme would be suitable for everyone. Investment performance and returns may go down as well as up. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
For further details including fund switching, fees and charges, product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.
For further details including fund switching, fees and charges, product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.
Important Notes
Important Notes- The MPF Conservative Fund and the Capital Stable Portfolio in the AIA MPF - Prime Value Choice (the "Scheme"), do not guarantee the repayment of capital under all circumstances.
- The Guaranteed Portfolio in the Scheme invests solely in an approved pooled investment fund in the form of an insurance policy issued by the AIA Company Limited (the "Insurer"). The guarantee is also given by the Insurer. Your investments in the Guaranteed Portfolio, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of the Insurer. Please refer to the section "3. Fund options, investment objectives and policies" and Appendix 2 to the MPF Scheme Brochure for the details of the credit risk, guarantee features and guarantee conditions.
- The Guaranteed Portfolio in the Scheme is a capital guaranteed fund. Your investments are therefore subject to the credit risks of the guarantor, AIA Company Limited. The guarantee only applies when Members hold their investment until the end of a Scheme Year. Please refer to the section "3. Fund options, investment objectives and policies" and Appendix 2 to the MPF Scheme Brochure for the details of the credit risk, guarantee features and guarantee conditions.
- You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. You must ensure you choose the appropriate funds to meet your risk tolerance. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
- You should consider your own tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in the MPF default investment strategy. You should note that the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund may not be suitable for you, and there may be a risk mismatch between the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund and your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial and/or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the MPF default investment strategy is suitable for you, and make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
- You should note that the implementation of the MPF default investment strategy may have an impact on your MPF investments and benefits. We recommend that you consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being affected.
- If you do not make any investment choices, your contributions made and/or benefits transferred into the Scheme will be invested in the MPF default investment strategy as more particularly described in the section "6. Administrative procedures".
- Members reaching 65th birthday or early retiring on reaching age 60 may apply (subject to the completion of such document or form (in such form and on such terms) as the Trustee may, subject to the relevant MPF requirements, prescribe from time to time) for payment of the MPF Benefits or the MPF Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution Benefits (as the case may be) in instalments. Please refer to the section "6. Administrative procedures" for further details.
- If a Member is currently investing in the Guaranteed Portfolio, a payment of benefits in instalments may affect the Member's entitlement to the guarantee and the Member may lose his/her guarantee, that is, the amounts withdrawn will not be entitled to any guarantee after withdrawal. For further details regarding the guarantee features of the Guaranteed Portfolio, please refer to the Appendix 2 to this MPF Scheme Brochure. A guarantee charge will apply to Members who remain investing in the Guaranteed Portfolio.
- You should not base your investment choices on this website alone and should refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.
- Investment involves risks, you may suffer significant loss of investments and not all investment choices available under the Scheme would be suitable for everyone. Investment performance and returns may go down as well as up.
- For the purposes of this website "AIA" refers to AIA International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability); "AIA(T)" refers to AIA Company (Trustee) Limited; "AIA Group" or "the Group", collectively refers to AIA Group Limited and its subsidiaries; "NAV-to-NAV" refers to net asset value to net asset value.
- Issued by AIA(T).