You Can Have Type 1 Diabetes and Not Have Any Symptoms

6-min read
Healthy mind

What is the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

When you eat, your body breaks down your food and converts it into sugar or glucose. When that blood sugar becomes high, your pancreas takes action by releasing insulin. Type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes happens when something goes wrong with insulin production.
People who assume diabetes happens from overeating sugar may have type 2 in mind. In type 2, the pancreas produces insulin, but it is not working as it should. Lifestyle changes such as diet and fitness help type 2 diabetics avoid insulin injections, which cannot be said of those with type 1.
The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas at the onset of type 1 diabetes. The damage it causes prevents the pancreas from making insulin. The result of little to zero insulin raises blood sugar to dangerous levels. Scientists still cannot say what triggers the immune system to attack the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
So, type 1 diabetes treatment will always begin with daily insulin injections to normalise blood sugar and avoid severe health complications, such as heart and kidney damage. Once you're diagnosed with this condition, it will be with you for the rest of your life.

Signs and Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

Asians at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Living with Diabetes

Physical activity is also vital for managing diabetes. Committing to being active most days of the week can help. Start slowly by taking 10-minute walks three times a day. Then increase your exercise to 30 minutes of brisk walking five times each week.
Good stress management can also aid in maintaining your health when you are diabetic. Stress can raise your blood sugar, so find ways to keep your stress levels low. For example, try deep breathing, meditating, working on your hobbies, or listening to your favourite music.
According to Dame Valerie, the first step to living with diabetes is to "acknowledge that there are changes that need to happen."
The AIA Vitality New Zealand ambassador shares her family's experience with type 1 diabetes with the hope that her generation will be able to break the cycle. She is helping her community together with AIA, which has committed to helping one billion people Live Healthier, Longer, and Better Lives by 2030.
"Get a good community around you who will support you in your journey. It's not going to be easy, but one you won't regret," says Dame Valerie. Learn how to join the journey today!

  1. International Diabetes Federation. 2021. Diabetes in Western Pacific. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 10 June 2022]
  2. International Diabetes Federation. 2021. Diabetes Around the World. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 10 June 2022]
  3. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022. What Is Type 1 Diabetes. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 10 June 2022]
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  7. Asian Diabetes Prevention Initiative. Why are Asians at High Risk? [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 10 June 2022]
  8. World Heart Federation. Diabetes. [online] Available at: <,of%20whom%20live%20in%20low-%20and%20middle-income%20countries. > [Accessed 10 June 2022]